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HI-TECH C Compiler for CP/M fan WIKI
- Now reconstructing layouts! Thx! ***
This WIKI is...
A fun site of "HI-TECH C Compiler for CP/M" C compiler which has beed destributed for 8 bit OS "CP/M".
This WIKI researches and describes about HI-TECH C related information all over the world and aimed mainly for MSX use but HI-TECH C compiler is executable on many CP/M ports on many platforms generally other than MSX. Thus, CP/M related information are treated as the core information and platform depended information is written separately including MSX
This WIKI deals only "HI-TECH C for CP/M 3.09", which is not supported by developer but not limited usage and freely distributed. "HI-TECH C compiler for PIC10/12/16 MCUs" from MICROCHIP Technology Inc. is not covered here.
About this WIKI
About CP/M
How to setup Development environment
HI-TECH C for CP/M on CP/M Emulator(cross development)
Setup of HI-TECH C for CP/M on CP/M emulators(preparing now)
HI-TECH C for MSX(native/self development)
Setup of HI-TECH C for MSX(preparing now)
Official Packages
These are packages released by HI-TECH Software.
Execution Package
This package contains execution files, libraries and header files.
C.COM | Compiler driver | Refer to Manual:Operation Details |
CPP.COM | Pre-processor | |
P1.COM | Parser | |
CGEN.COM | Code Generator | |
OPTIM.COM | Optimizer | |
ZAS.COM | Z80 assembler | Refer to Manual:ZAS.COM |
LINK.COM | Linker | Refer to Manual:LINK.COM |
OBJTOHEX.COM | IntelHex converter | Refer to Manual:OBJTOHEX.COM |
LIBR.COM | Librarian | Refer to Manual:LIBR.COM |
CREF.COM | Cross reference tool | Refer to Manual:CREF.COM |
DEHUFF.COM | Archiver | |
DEBUG.COM | Debugger | Refer to Debugger Manual |
Source Package
This package contains source of C.COM execution file and libraries.
CPM | CP/M Library |
FLOAT | Floating point library |
GEN | General library |
STDIO | STDIO library |
- Refer to each explanation for details.
- File list of General library
- Refer to each explanation for details of standard library(LIBC) and foating point library(LIBF).
- Manual:Standard library
Manual Package
This package contains HI-TECH C manual. Many of explanations on this WIKI is cited, translated and edited sentences from this manual.
- Introduction
- Getting Started
- Compiler Structure
- Operating Details
- Specific Features
- Machine Dependencies
- Error Checking and Reporting
- Standard Libraries
- Stylistic Considerations
- Memory Models
- What Went Wrong
- Z80 Assembler Reference Manual
- Linker Reference Manual
- Librarian
- Objtohex
- Cref
Functoins of Standard Library
Standard Library of Basic Package
User Made Complements for Basic Package
User Made Public Libraries
For CP/M
Public Patches
Public Library
Public Utilities
Public Patches
- Hitech-C for MSX Execution Package/HITECH-1.PMA
- MSX port of HI-TECH C for CP/M
- Hitech-C for MSX Libraries&Utilities/HITECH-4.PMA
- MSX Libraries and Utilities
- Hitech-C for MSX Patches/HPATCHES.PMA
- Patches for MSX port of HI-TECH C for CP/M
- HI-TECH C Resource Kit #1
Public Library
Public Utilities
- Kernel
- Library
- Application
Commodore C128 CP/M mode
- SG C tools(github repository)
- https://github.com/sgjava/garage/tree/master/commodore/cpm/sgctools
- SG C Tools for CP/M on C128
- http://www.lemon64.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=63042&sid=05d83b1774192f4293cdaea28838a3b3
- HI-TECH C for C 128 + Atob.c ??
- http://ftp.martnet.com/cpm/programming/HiTech_C/index.html
- Development with HI-TECH C for PC-6001(JP)
- http://www.geocities.jp/submarine600/html/p6/demo9.html
ZX Spectrum
- Basics of HI-TECH C for CP/M (on ZX spectrom)
- http://zx-pk.ru/threads/27300-osvaivaem-hi-tech-c-v3-09-dlya-cp-m.html
Z80 embeded boards
- HI-TECH C port for embedded usage(JP)
- http://www.spice-elec.com/Z80/C_compiler/C_compiler.html
Popular Devices and Specifications
For TMS9918
For AY-3-8910(PSG)
For MS-DOS Compatible File System(MSX-DOS1 etc.)
For ATARI D-Sub 9 Connector Controller & Compatibles
- These are not specified in CP/M
HI-TECH C Compilable resources
Asteroid belt like game: https://github.com/MBilderbeek/bigblast
MSX Sudoku: http://andrear.altervista.org/contents/msx/sudoku/
MSX computer magazine Sokoban for Hitech-C?: http://www.msxcomputermagazine.nl/archief/mccm-72/
HI-TECH C port for embedded usage(JP) http://www.spice-elec.com/Z80/C_compiler/C_compiler.html
ANSI C compatibility test with AES256 with HI-TECH C compilable source(EN) http://www.z80.eu/c-compiler.html
Development with HI-TECH C for PC-6001(JP) http://www.geocities.jp/submarine600/html/p6/demo9.html
HI-TECH C review blogs(JP) http://www.nabeta.tk/nblog/?paged=3&author=1
Lets start HI-TECH C(JP) http://tatsu.life.coocan.jp/TMR/MSX-StartHC.html
CPM Executor with HI-TECH C(JP) http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA000084/HI-TECH_C.html
C language cource with HI-TECH C(PO) http://marmsx.msxall.com/cursos/index.php#c
HI-TECH C manual pdf http://koyado.com/Heathkit/My_Backups_files/Z80DOC.pdf
Basics of HI-TECH C for CP/M (on ZX spectrom) http://zx-pk.ru/threads/27300-osvaivaem-hi-tech-c-v3-09-dlya-cp-m.html
HI-TECH C review http://www.commodore.ca/manuals/funet/cpm/programming/HiTech_C/hitechc.txt
Make HI-TECH C 256 times more useful http://tatsu.life.coocan.jp/TMR/MSX-HCTECH.html
SOME HI-TECH C Update http://webspaceme.com.au/tesseract/pds/091/htcmods.txt
PIPEMGR http://www.seasip.demon.co.uk/Cpm/software/Pipemgr/index.html
Linux CPM emulator & HI-TECH C ftp://ftp.ucsd.edu/hamradio/packet/tcpip/linux/cpm-hitech.tar.txt
HI-TECH C archive in some other format http://www.classiccmp.org/cpmarchives/cpm/Miscellany/Prgrming/C/Hi-Tech%20C/
ZXCC Wrapper for HI-TECH C on unix
UZI280 for Z280
Z80pack http://www.autometer.de/unix4fun/z80pack/
CP/M emulator suits YAZE & execute as CP/M 2.2(jp) http://www.yamamo10.jp/yamamoto/comp/Tiny_BASIC/Lesson_2/index.php
SG C Tools for C64 http://www.lemon64.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=63042&sid=05d83b1774192f4293cdaea28838a3b3
ZXCC http://brewformulas.org/zxcc
LIBF bug report (confirm source is attached) http://comp.os.cpm.narkive.com/aJNgx34C/hitech-c-3-09-defective-libf-lib
CP/M emulator suites Z80pack http://tk-s.net/pc/blog/diary.cgi?Date=20130123
SG C tools http://ftp.martnet.com/cpm/programming/HiTech_C/SteveGoldsmith/index.html
HI-TECH C for C 128 + Atob.c ?? http://ftp.martnet.com/cpm/programming/HiTech_C/index.html
Editorial Policy
CP/M 3
- ZXCC Wrapper for HI-TECH C on unix
- http://koaks.amstrad.free.fr/amstrad/download/c_compiler/zxcc.html