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About this library (cited from web site)

GFX lib is a small C graphics library for the MSX computer. It is being developed and compiled with the Hitech-C compiler.

Features (until now)
  • VDP and VRAM access functions
  • Line algorithms
  • Vector math and 3D Graphics
  • Sprite manipulation
  • PSG manipulation (new!)
  • Joystick input
  • Many examples available as commented source code
  • Miscelaneous utilities (defines, helpers...)

Basic definitions and utilities(cited from defs.h)

  1. define map_pixel(x,y) (map_block(x,y) + ((y) & 7))
here is how it works:
      // map the row start (by row I mean a block of 8 lines)
      addr = (y & ~(7)) << 5;		// this is the same as (y / 8) * 256

      // then we aim for the column (column = block of 8 pixels)
      addr += (x & ~(7));	// this is the same as (x / 8) * 8

      // finally, aim for the remaining "sub-row" inside the row block
      addr += (y & 7);
#define map_subpixel(x) (128 >> ((x) & 7))
maps the subpixel (bit) inside the vram byte
#define LONG(v) ((long)(v))

fixed point arithmetic

#define i2f(v) ((v) << 6)
integer to fixed-point
#define f2i(v) ((v) >> 6)
fixed-point to integer
#define mulfx(x,y) ((LONG(y) * LONG(x)) >> 6)
fixed-point multiplication
#define divfx(x,y) ((LONG(x) << 6) / LONG(y))
fixed-point division
#define sqrfx(x) ((LONG(x) * LONG(x)) >> 6)
fixed-point square
#define sqrtfx(x) (LONG(sqrt(x)) << 3)
fixed-point square root
formula: sqrt(N * 64) = sqrt(N) * sqrt(64) -> must compensate with 64/sqrt(64) = 8
#define wgavgfx(x, y, w) (mulfx(i2f(1) - w, x) + mulfx(w, y))
weighted average (w=0.0 -> x, w=0.5->average, w=1.0 ->y)

malloc helpers

#define new(x) ((x*)malloc(sizeof(x)))
allocates space for 1 element of type argument "x"
#define newa(x, c) ((x*)malloc(sizeof(x) * c))
allocates space for argument "c" elements of type argument "x"

Main library functions(cited from gfx.h)

library functions / enums.


VRAM and VDP related functions

enum video_mode{}
video modes
enum video_mode {
       mode_0 = 0x6C,
       mode_1 = 0x6F,
       mode_2 = 0x72,
       mode_3 = 0x75
enum screen_map{}
mangled screen sections (3 maps)
enum screen_map {
       place_1 = 1,
       place_2 = 2,
       place_3 = 4,
       place_all = 255
#define MODE2_MAX (256 * 24)
screen 2 section bytecount
#define MODE2_ATTR (8192)
screen 2 attributes section start address
#define MODE2_WIDTH 256
screen 2 width in pixels
#define MODE2_HEIGHT 192
screen 2 height in pixels

VDP and VRAM functions

extern void set_mode(u_int mode);
set screen mode
extern void set_mangled_mode();
set screen to mangled mode (screen 1 + 2)
extern void set_color(u_char front, u_char back, u_char border);
set screen color
extern void fill(u_int addr, u_char value, u_int count);
fill vram from argument "addr", with argument "value", for argument "count" bytes
extern void vpoke(u_int addr, u_char value);
set argument "value" at a given vram address argument "addr".
extern u_char vpeek(u_int addr);
get value from a given vram address argument "addr"
extern void vmerge(u_int addr, u_char value);
set argument "value" at a given vram address argument "addr", merging bits (OR) with the existing value
extern void vwrite(void* source, u_int dest, u_int count);
transfer \a count bytes from ram to vram
extern void vread(u_int source, void* dest, u_int count);
transfer argument count bytes from vram to ram
extern void set_vdp(u_char reg, u_char value);
set a vdp register with a \a value
extern u_char get_vdp(u_char reg);
get a vdp value from register \a reg
extern void locate(u_char x, u_char y);
move the screen cursor to a given position

primitives (not many yet :))

extern void fill_v(u_int addr, u_char value, u_char count);
vertical fill on vram starting at adress argument "addr", of a given argument "value", for argument "count" lines
extern void pset(int x, int y);
set point at the given position on vram

mangled mode chars

void set_char_form(char c, void* form, u_char place);
set char argument "c" shape, from argument "form", at the given screen map argument "place"
void set_char_attr(char c, void *attr, u_char place);
set char argument "c" attributes, from argument "attr", at the given screen map argument "place"
void set_char_color(char c, u_char color, u_char place);
set char argument "c" with argument "color", at the given screen map argument "place"
void set_char(char c, void* form, void *attr, u_char color, u_char place);
set char argument "c" shape, attributes and color, all in one


typedef struct {}sprite_t;
sprite data
typedef struct {
        u_char y;	///< Y position
        u_char x;	///< X position
        u_char handle;	///< internal vdp handle
        u_char color;	///< sprite color
} sprite_t;
enum sprite_mode{}
sprite modes
enum sprite_mode {
       sprite_default = 0,
       sprite_scaled = 1,
       sprite_large = 2
extern void set_sprite_mode(u_char mode);
set the sprite argument "mode"
extern void *set_sprite(u_char, void*);
extern void *put_sprite(u_char, int, int, u_char, u_char);
this is not compiling... I suggest some #define's instead

extern void set_sprite_8(u_char handle, void* data);
set the sprite argument "handle", with the shape from "argument" data (small size)
extern void set_sprite_16(u_char handle, void* data);
set the sprite argument "handle", with the shape from argument "data" (big size)
extern void put_sprite_8(u_char id, int x, int y, u_char handle, u_char color);
put the sprite with argument "id" and shape from \a handle, into the given position with argument "color" (small size)
extern void put_sprite_16(u_char id, int x, int y, u_char handle, u_char color);
put the sprite with argument "id" and shape from argument "handle", into the given position with argument "color" (big size)


FIXME: this is not usable right now

typedef struct {}surface_t;
represents a drawing surface
typedef struct {
        int width;
        int height;
        int type;
        union {
               u_char* ram;	///< ram adress, for off-screen surfaces
               u_int vram;
        } data;
} surface_t;
enum surface_type {
typedef struct {
       int x, y;
       int width, height;
} rect_t; 
extern void blit(surface_t *source, surface_t *dest, rect_t *from, rect_t *to);
extern void blit_ram_vram(u_char* source, u_int dest, u_char w, u_char h, int sjmp, int djmp);
extern void blit_fill_vram(u_int dest, u_char value, u_char w, u_char h, int djmp);


enum stick_direction {
       st_up = 1,
       st_right = 2,
       st_down = 4,
       st_left = 8
extern u_char st_dir[];
extern u_char get_stick(u_char id);
get state of joystick number argument "id"
extern bool get_trigger(u_char id);
get state of joystick button (trigger) number argument "id", true = pressed


Fast and dirty pseudo-random number generator

extern void seed_rnd(int seed);
seed the pseudo-random number generator
extern u_char get_rnd();
get the next number from the pseudo-random number generator


PSG (sound generator) manipulation functions

  1. define sound(reg, value) psg_set(reg, value)
alias for setting psg registers (for the BASIC fans)
  1. define psgT(hz) ((int)(111760.0 / (hz)))
convert a given frequency into a suitable period for PSG
enum {	
       chanNone = 0,	///< no channel
       chan0 = 1,	///< the first audio channel
       chan1 = 2,	///< the second audio channel
       chan2 = 4,	///< the third audio channel
       chanAll = 7	///< all audio channels
volume envelopes, where U = up, D = down, H = high
enum {
       envD = 0,	///< envelope, falling into silence
       envU = 4,	///< envelope, raising to highest volume, then silenced
       envDD = 8,	///< envelope, falling into silence multiple times
       envDUD = 10,	///< envelope, first falling, and then triangle shaped
       envDH = 11,	///< envelope, falling into silence, then abrupt high volume
       envUU = 12,	///< envelope, raising until top multiple times
       envUH = 13,	///< envelope, raising until top and then mantaining high volume
       envUDUD = 14	///< envelope, triangle shaped
void psg_set(u_char reg, u_char value);
set a psg register with a argument "value"
u_char psg_get(u_char reg);
get value from psg register
void psg_init();
initialize psg
void psg_tone(u_char channel, int period);
set a given tone for the channel (0-2)
void psg_noise(u_char period);
set the global noise period
void psg_volume(u_char channel, u_char volume);
set channel's volume
void psg_envelope(u_char waveform, int period, u_char channels);
set the volume envelope of number argument "waveform", with the given period, on a group of channels (ORed bits)
void psg_channels(u_char tone_channels, u_char noise_channels);
set noise or tone generation on a group of channels (ORed bits)
u_char psg_tone_channels();
get the group of channels currently generating tone (ORed bits)
u_char psg_noise_channels();
get the group of channels currently generating noise (ORed bits)

Line drawing functions(cited from line.h)

LINE.H : line drawing functions (header)

DITHER(I, Y) (dithpat[I][Y & 1])
get a dithered pattern of intensity argument "I" on the screen line argument "Y"
extern u_char dithpat[5][2];
extern void surface_line(surface_t*, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
Draw a line on a surface


extern void line(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
Draw a line on video


extern void line_slow(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
Draw a line on video (slow)


extern void calculate_side(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int low[], int high[]);
Calculate a triangle side


extern void hline(int x1, int y1, int x2, u_char value);
Draw horizontal line on video. Argument "value" can be a bit pattern. note: x1 <= x2


extern void surface_hline(surface_t *s, int x1, int y1, int x2, u_char value);

Draw horizontal line on surface. Argument "value" can be a bit pattern. note: x1 <= x2


Note1(cited from gfx.h)

This is a work-in-progress, meaning that most of this code is unstable and it's subject to future changes. Also, most of it is very hackish, not properly cleaned up nor tested.

Note2(cited from readme)

Currently it is a work-in-progress (currently targeted at MSX 1.x series)

I decided to release this unfinished code anyway because:

  • it works. well, the examples DO work ya know :)
  • it might be useful to someone else (writing code, learning, ...)
  • my lack of time isn't helping to move forward

SO... give it a try, look at the cool examples, send patches :)

Check the Changelog to see some of the most recent features.

Hope you enjoy it. Happy coding!

Note from editors of WIKI

There's no single technical document or specification in this package but well commented in each source and header files. We pick up, edit and integrate these comments here as a reference.

Changed these issues.

  • "\a" means "argument" in original comments so it is expanded to word "argument" for convenience here.
  • Order of sentences are changed to make definition first and comments are second.
  • Sample file names are added as far as possible.

GFX - a small graphics library

Copyright (C) 2004  Rafael de Oliveira Jannone

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

Contact the author:
       by e-mail : rafael AT jannone DOT org
       homepage  : http://jannone.org/gfxlib
       ICQ UIN   : 10115284

See the License at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt

  1. cf:ex11.c,ex5.c
  2. cf:N/A
  3. cf:N/A
  4. cf:ex10.c
  5. cf:ex10.c
  6. cf:ex10.c