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Hitech-C for MSX

==Comments from Wiki editor==

This document is a overview of difference between original HI-TECH C for CP/M and "HI-TECH C for MSX" ported by Pierre Gielen.

MSX adjusted files are located in HITECH-1.PMA and HITECH-4.PMA.

HITECH-1.PMA Basic files which are adjusted for MSX
HITECH-4.PMA Routines which are adjusted for MSX in the meantime, and some other useful programmes.

This document descrives about HITECH-1.PMA.


Comments, explanation of these files below are contained and edited in this document adding chapter names.

Refer Manual of HI-TECH C for CP/M about details as well.



This HITECH-1.PMA contains:

The HITECH-C compiler for CP/M.

Programmes adapted to MSX by Pierre Gielen:


(So all the other files are just the same as in the CP/M version, as far as I
know. I'm not 100% sure, though.)


===The original readme===

The HI-TECH Z80 CP/M C compiler V3.09 is provided free of charge for any
use, private or commercial, strictly as-is. No warranty or product
support is offered or implied.

You may use this software for whatever you like, providing you acknowledge
that the copyright to this software remains with HI-TECH Software.

===The READ.ME that was included with the adapted C.COM===

Hitech-C for MSX

This archive contains the C-command for Hitech-C, an almost fully
ANSI-compatible C for CP/M and MSX-DOS. Because the routines
EXECUTE and GETENV in the standard (CP/M) library don't work on an
MSX, the original C.COM crashed. I have adjusted the programme so
that it makes a batchfile that is started via the commandline
(thus: the batchprocessor of MSX-DOS). The effect of this is that
cammandlines cannot be longer than 128 bytes. That is why the
filenames are shortened: The object files now end with .O instead
of .OBJ. The object headerfile that has to be in every programme
was named CRTCPM.OBJ and has now been renamed to CRT.O. These
things can be found in the source of C.COM.

Also, EXEC.H has been adjusted already. It now contains some
variables for starting via the commandline. To STDIO.H, the
variable DOSVER has been added. This gives 0 running with
MSX-DOS 1 and the DOS version in BCD code running under MSX-DOS 2
(for example: DOS 2.2 gives 0x22 in DOSVER.)

With this, Hitech-C isn't finished yet. The standard library
contains more routines that can be adjusted for MSX. But before
we get that far, Hitech-C is , at any rate, a good and not to
mention free (!) alternative for ASCII-C. Hitech-C can handle
LONGs without any problem and is ahead of ASCII in compatibility
with the 'bigger' professional C compilers!

What else do you need:

;HITECH-2.PMA :sources of the standaard and floating point libraries
;HITECH-3.PMA :english documentation

(Note: HITECH-4.PMA contains some routines that have been adjusted for MSX in the meantime, and some other useful programmes.)

Pierre Gielen, sept. 1993



Copyright (C) 1984-1987 HI-TECH SOFTWARE

MSXDOS modifications by Pierre Gielen 1993:

*Replaced EXECL routines (C produces a batch file now)
*Added -Q switch to write batch file without executing
*Changed object file types to .O and temporary file
types to .T to allow more commands per line (note:
crt.o = crtcpm.obj). Changed library types back to .LIB.
*Commented out calls to GETENV (for now) because it locks up
the computer (still to be changed in the standard library)

HITECH C is almost ANSI C compatible, but it does not recognize
the '#pragma nonrec' directive.

HITECH SOFTWARE has given kind permission to copy this
software for personal use.

===C command===

C command MSXDOS version

C [-C] [-O] [-I] [-F] [-U] [-D] [-S] [-X] [-P] [-Q] [-W] [-M] files {-Llib}

[Comment from WIKI editor]
Refer manual of HI-TECH C for CP/M as well


Definitions of the EXEC format

#define EXITIT 0x80
#define EXEC 0x81
#define IGN_ERR 0x82
#define DEF_ERR 0x83
#define SKP_ERR 0x84
#define TRAP 0x85
#define IF_ERR 0x86
#define IF_NERR 0x87
#define ECHO 0x88
#define PRINT 0x89
#define RM_FILE 0x8A
#define RM_EXIT 0x8B
#define keybuf 0xfbf0 /* MSX */
#define putpnt (*(unsigned int *)0xf3f8) /* MSX */
#define getpnt (*(unsigned int *)0xf3fa) /* MSX */


#define DOSVER (*(char *)0xf313) /* MSX: 0=DOS1 */

#if z80
#define BUFSIZ 512
#define _NFILE 8
#else z80
#define BUFSIZ 1024
#define _NFILE 20
#endif z80

#ifndef FILE
#define uchar unsigned char

extern struct _iobuf {
char * _ptr;
int _cnt;
char * _base;
uchar _flag;
char _file;
} _iob[_NFILE];

#endif FILE

#define _IOREAD 01
#define _IOWRT 02
#define _IORW 03
#define _IONBF 04
#define _IOMYBUF 010
#define _IOEOF 020
#define _IOERR 040
#define _IOSTRG 0100
#define _IOBINARY 0200

#ifndef NULL
#define NULL ((void *)0)
#endif NULL

#define FILE struct _iobuf
#define EOF (-1)

#define stdin (&_iob[0])
#define stdout (&_iob[1])
#define stderr (&_iob[2])
#define getchar() getc(stdin)
#define putchar(x) putc(x,stdout)

/* getc() and putc() must be functions for CP/M to allow the special
* handling of '\r', '\n' and '\032'. The same for MSDOS except that
* it at least knows the length of a file.

#if UNIX
#define getc(p) (--(p)->_cnt>=0?(unsigned)*(p)->_ptr++:_filbuf(p))
#define putc(x,p) (--(p)->_cnt>=0?((unsigned)(*(p)->_ptr++=x)):_flsbuf((unsigned)(x),p))
#else UNIX
#define getc(p) fgetc(p)
#define putc(x,p) fputc(x,p)
#endif UNIX

#define feof(p) (((p)->_flag&_IOEOF)!=0)
#define ferror(p) (((p)->_flag&_IOERR)!=0)
#define fileno(p) ((uchar)p->_file)
#define clrerr(p) p->_flag &= ~_IOERR
#define clreof(p) p->_flag &= ~_IOEOF

#define L_tmpnam 34 /* max length of temporary names */

extern int fclose(FILE *);
extern int fflush(FILE *);
extern int fgetc(FILE *);
extern int ungetc(int, FILE *);
extern int fputc(int, FILE *);
extern int getw(FILE *);
extern int putw(int, FILE *);
extern char * gets(char *);
extern int puts(char *);
extern int fputs(char *, FILE *);
extern int fread(void *, unsigned, unsigned, FILE *);
extern int fwrite(void *, unsigned, unsigned, FILE *);
extern int fseek(FILE *, long, int);
extern int rewind(FILE *);
extern int setbuf(FILE *, char *);
extern int printf(char *, ...);
extern int fprintf(FILE *, char *, ...);
extern int sprintf(char *, char *, ...);
extern int scanf(char *, ...);
extern int fscanf(FILE *, char *, ...);
extern int sscanf(char *, char *, ...);
extern int remove(char *);
extern FILE * fopen(char *, char *);
extern FILE * freopen(char *, char *, FILE *);
extern FILE * fdopen(int, char *);
extern long ftell(FILE *);
extern char * fgets(char *, int, FILE *);
extern char * _bufallo(void);

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