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NDOS 1.0 - By Konami Man, 2-2001


NDOS is a library of C functions that allow you to conveniently use all
the functions of MSX-DOS 2 (keyboard input / output and screen, access to
files and directories, handling of environment variables, direct access to
sectors, definition of disk error handling routines, etc.).
NDOS functions in turn call those in the NASM library to perform the
calls to the operating system, so always have to link both
libraries together when compiling programs that make use of the functions
of NDOS.

The complete distribution of NDOS includes the following files:

;LIBNDOS.LIB: Library file containing the object code of all the functions of NDOS.

;NDOS.H: File with the header of all the functions, in which also the necessary data structures are defined for some functions and some useful constants.

:DOSCODES.H: This file defines the names of all functions of DOS 2, just as in the document "MSX DOS 2 Function Codes specification. "It also defines the names of all possible errors same as in the document "MSX DOS 2 Program Interface Specification", but the "." for "_" since the compiler does not accept names that contain points. For this reason some errors have been defined with a name other than the original, because it coincided with the name of some function. Errors with changed names are:

;_SEEKE, original is .SEEK (error 0F3h)
;_FOPENE, original is .FOPEN (error 0CAh)

This file is identical to the one included in the NASM distribution.

;NDOS.TXT: This document.

;NDOSE.TXT: English version of this document.

;<nowiki>Files * .C and * .AS<nowiki>: The source codes of all NDOS functions.

This manual assumes that system concepts are known such as file descriptors ("file handles"), FIBs, variables of environment, etc. All of these concepts are explained in the DOS manual, documents "MSX-DOS 2 Program Interface Specification" and "MSX-DOS 2 Function Codes Specification ".

Likewise, the details of the NDOS functions do not explain details specifics regarding the use of the DOS calls involved, for example, possible error codes that can be generated by each of them or the peculiarities of the use of file descriptors that actually refer to devices. For this type of information you should also consult the documents.

NDOS functions are designed to be used under DOS 2. It may some work under DOS 1 but nothing is guaranteed.


In the file NDOS.H some data structures are defined that are
necessary to use some functions. They are the following:


typedef struct {
b0: 1;
b1: 1;
b2: 1;
b3: 1;
b4: 1;
b5: 1;
b6: 1;
b7: 1;
} flags;

The flags type is used in functions that require input parameters and / or
return flag-type results, i.e. multiple values of a bit encoded in one byte. You can convert a flags variable to a int type or vice versa by means of a simple cast.


typedef struct {
uchar phdrive;
uint secsize;
uchar secpclus;
uint secrsv;
uchar fatcopies;
uint rootentr;
uint sectotal;
uchar mediaid;
uchar secpfat;
uint firstroot;
uint firstdata;
uint maxclus;
uchar dirty;
ulong volid;
uint clustotal;
uint clusfree;
uint dpbpnt;
char unused[2];
} diskparam;

This structure is used in the GETDPAR function to obtain the parameters of
a disc. The meaning of each field of the structure is:

;phdrive :Physical unit number (1 = A :, etc).
;secsize :Sector size (always 512 normally).
;secpclus :Sectors per cluster
;secrsv :Sectors reserved.
;fatcopies :Number of copies of the FAT.
;rootentr :Number of entries in the root directory.
;sectotal :Total number of logical sectors
;mediaid :Device descriptor byte.
;secpfat :Number of sectors per FAT.
;firstroot :First sector of the root directory.
;firstdata :First sector of the data area.
;maxclus :Maximum cluster number
;dirty: It indicates that there are deleted files that can be recovered with UNDEL if it is not zero.
;volid :Volume label (-1 if none).
;clustotal :Total number of clusters.
;clusfree :Number of free clusters.
;dpbpnt :Pointer to the DPB (Drive Parameters Block) of the file.
;unused :Reserved, do not use.


This structure represents a FIB type memory block (File Info
Block), normally used to search for files (FFIND function) but also
can be used in other functions that support file names or FIBs

typedef struct {
char alwaysff;
char fname[13];
char attrib;
uint time;
uint date;
uint startclus;
ulong fsize;
uchar drive;
char internal[38];
} fib;

The meaning of each field is:

;alwaysff: It always contains the value 0xFF, indicating that it is an FIB and not a filename.
;fname: File name in readable format (file.ext).
;attrib: Byte of file attributes.
;time: Time of last modification of the file.
;date: Date of last modification of the file.
;startclus: Initial Cluster of the file.
;fsize: File size.
;drive: Logical unit (1 = A, etc).
;internal: Internal system information, do not modify.

===DATE and TIME===

Structures that represent a date and an hour respectively, used in the functions of obtaining / establishing the date of the system or a file.

typedef struct {
int year;
int month;
int day;
int wday;
} date;

typedef struct {
int hour;
int minute;
int second;
} time;

The meaning of each field is:

;year: Year (1980 to 2079)
;month: Mes (1=January to 12=December)
;day: Day of month (1 a 31)
;wday: Day of week (0=Sunday a 6=Saturday)
;hour: Hour (0 a 23)
;minute: Minute (0 a 59)
;second: Second (0 a 59)

Some functions, such as FFIND, require or return the date and time encoded in an int value. To convert from an int to a structure of type date or time, or vice versa, you can use the functions ITOT, TTOI, ITOD and DTOI.


Structure used in PARSEP and PARSEF functions to interpret a route and a filename, respectively.

typedef struct {
char* termchar;
char* lastitem;
int logdrive;
flags f;
} parsedata;

The meaning of each field is:

;termchar: Pointer to the end of the chain.
;lastitem: Pointer to the last element in the string.
;logdrive: Logical unit (1 = A, etc.).
;f: <nowiki>Various flags</nowiki>:
::f.b0=1 if not only unit is specified.
::f.b1=1 if directory specified.
::f.b2=1 if unit is specified.
::f.b3=1 if filename specified.
::f.b4=1 if extension is specified.
::f.b5=1 if the last element is ambiguous (use wildcards).
::f.b6=1 if the last item is "." Or "..".
::f.b7=1 if the last item is "..".


In the file NDOS.H also define some constants that can be
used as parameters for the functions or to interpret the results.
They are the following:

===System file descriptors===

In all functions that support a file descriptor ("file handle")
as parameter you can specify a system descriptor, which makes
reference to a device instead of a file:

;STDIN (0): Screen output
;STDOUT (1): Keypad input
;STDERR (2): Output of error messages, normally identical to STDOUT
;AUX (3): Auxiliary device, default does nothing
;PRN (4): Printer

===Modes of opening a file===

They are used in the functions of opening and creating files:

;F_NOWRITE: Can not write to the file
;F_NOREAD: Can not read from file
;F_NOINH: The file is not inherited by child processes created with FORK

You can combine two or more s with the "|" operator. For example, specifying F_NOINH | F_NOWRITE as the opening mode, the file opens as only reading and not heritable.

===Attributes of the files===

They are used in the functions of establishing and consulting the attributes of a file:

;A_RDO: Read Only
;A_HID: Hidden
;A_SYS: System
;A_VOL: Not a file but a volume label
;A_DIR: Directory
;A_ARC: Archive
;A_DEV: Not a file but a device
;A_NEW: Used in the function to create a file, if it is 1 and already exists a file with the same name, not be erased and an error is generated

You can combine two or more s with the "|" operator. For example, specifying
A_HID | A_DIR as search attributes in FFIND, look for n hidden files
and subdirectories in addition to normal files.

===Methods of obtaining a character===

They are used in the NGETC function to get a character from the keyboard.

;NOWAIT: If not specified, wait until the user press a key; If you specify and the user is not pressing any key, the function to return 0 immediately.
;NOTICE: If specified, the character corresponding to the key pressed does not appears on the screen.

They can be combined with the "|" operator.

===Other constants defined in NDOS.H===

|Uchar||equivalent to unsigned char
|Uint||equivalent to unsigned int
|Ulong||equivalent to unsigned long
|Fhanle||equivalent to int
|ESC||equivalent to 27 (escape code)

CR_LF: this is not a constant, but a char pointer pointing to a
string "\n\r". CR_LF is used in NEWLINE and FNEWLINE macros instead of a
string "\n\r", to prevent the compiler from defining that string each
instead find a call to these macros.


A detailed description of all
NDOS. The descriptions have the following format:

[(N)] NAME [*]

Exit name (entry, ..., entry)

Description of function.

DOS functions used [*]

Sample program or subfunction (except for very simple functions)
or reference to the example of another function

Some NDOS functions have the same name as other NDOS functions of
C standard library (eg OPEN, GETC or PRINTF) but its use is
slightly different. To avoid conflicts, these functions are defined
with an "N" as the first caracter: NOPEN, NGETC, NPRINTF; in the description
of this type of functions, the name is preceded by "(N)".

However, it is possible to force the compiler to recognize the names of
function without the initial N as belonging to NDOS. This is achieved
defining the NSTDIO shell, either with the directive "#define NSTDIO" (which
must be located BEFORE "#include NDOS.H") or by including -DNSTDIO in
the compiler command line. The effect is the definition of a macro
for each function whose name begins with N, without the initial N (for example,
does "#define open nopen").

Some functions have no associated object code, but are simply
macros defined in NDOS.H which in turn call other functions. For
example, the PUTC function, which prints a character on the screen, is actually
a macro that calls FPUTC (writing a character in a file)
specifying STDOUT as the file descriptor. In the description of these
functions, name is followed by an asterisk.

Following the description of each function, the DOS calls are listed. A
asterisk next to one of these calls indicates that it can be used
safe from a disk error handling routine (defined with the
ATERROR function of NDOS, 64h DOS call); So if all the calls
used by a function have asterisks, the function itself can be used
securely from a disk error handling routine.

The functions are ordered alphabetically, regardless of the N
of the functions that have it. The following are all the
functions as a quick reference, and the following section gives an overview of
detailed description of each:

;ABSEC: Read or write disk sectors
;ASSIGN: Assigns logical drives to physical drives
;(N) ATERROR: Defines a function to call in case of disk error
;(N) ATEXIT: Defines a function to call when the program is finished
;BEEP *: It sounds a "beep"
;BS *: Deletes the character to the left of the cursor
;BTOA *: Converts a number to a string on binary basis
;BUFFERS: Sets or queries the number of system sector buffers
;(N) CHDIR: Change the current directory
;CHKCHAR: Helps manipulate strings containing graphic characters
;(N) CLERR *: Overrides the error condition caused by a previous function
;(N) CLOSE: Closes an open file
;CLS *: Clears the screen
;CREATE: Create a file
;CURBLK *: Select the normal cursor
;CURDOWN *: Moves the cursor one position down
;CURLEFT *: Moves the cursor one position to the left
;CUROFF *: Sets the cursor to "hidden"
;CURON *: Sets the cursor to "visible"
;CURRIGHT *: Moves the cursor one position to the right
;CURUND *: Select the small cursor
;CURUP *: Moves the cursor up one position
;DELLINE *: Deletes the line in which the cursor is
;DELTOENDL *: Delete from the cursor to the end of the line
;DELTOENDS *: Delete from the cursor to the end of the screen
;DOSVER: Returns the version of MSX-DOS
;DTOI: Encode a structure of type "date" into an integer
;DUPFH: Duplicate a file descriptor
;EOF: Indicates whether the pointer of an open file is beyond the end
;ENSUREFH: Moving Internal System Buffers to Disk Data
;That have been written in a file
;(N) EXIT: Program execution ends
;EXPLAIN: Gets an error message for a given error code
;FDELETE: Delete a file
;FILEDT: Queries / sets date / time of an open / unopened file
;FFIND: Search for files on disk
;(N) FGETC: Reads a character from an open file
;FILEATT: Gets or modifies the attributes of a file, open or not
;FINDENV: Finds the name and value of an environment variable
;FLUSH: Cleans unusable disk buffers
;FNEWLINE *: Prints a line break in a file
;FORK: Prepares the environment to execute a child process
;FORWARD *: Places the pointer of a file at the end of the file
;FPRINT: Prints a string in a file
;(N) FPRINTF: Print formatted in a file
;(N) FPUTC: Write a character in an open file
;(N) FTELL *: Returns the current pointer position of an open file
;GDATE: Gets System Date
;GETARG: Gets a command line parameter
;(N) GETC: Gets a keyboard character
;(N) GETCWD: Returns the current directory
;GETDPAR: Gets the parameters of a disk
;GETDRV: Returns the default drive
;GETDTA: Gets the real address of transfer. Disk for DOS functions 1
;(N) GETENV: Gets the value of an environment variable
;GETERR: Returns the code of the last generated DOS error
;GETFATT *: Gets the attributes of an unopened file
;GETFDATE *: Gets the date of an unopened file
;GETFTIME *: Gets the time of an unopened file
;GETHATT *: Gets the attributes of an open file
;GETHDATE *: Gets the date of an open file
;GETHTIME *: Gets the time of an open file
;GETLOGV: Indicates the existing disk drives
;GTIME: Gets the system time
;HOME * Moves the cursor to the top of the screen
;INPUT: Gets a string from the keyboard
;INSLINE *: Inserts a new line above the cursor
;IOCTRL: Performs control operations on a file descriptor
;ITOA *: Converts a number to a string on a decimal basis
;ITOD: Decodes an encoded date structure into an integer
;ITOT: Decodes an encoded time structure into an integer
;JOIN: Indicates that the parent process will resume control
;LOCATE *: Position the cursor in the given coordinates
;(N) MKDIR: Create a directory
;MOVE: Moves a file
;MPRINT: Prints multiple strings on the screen
;MPUTC: Prints multiple on-screen characters
;NEWLINE *: Prints a line break on the screen
;NTOA: Converts a number to a string in any base
;NUMARGS: Gets the number of parameters in the command line
;(N) OPEN: Opens a file
;PARSEF: Examines and returns information about a filename
;PARSEP: Examines and returns information about a file path
;PAUSEKEY *: Wait for the user to press a key (see also WAITKEY)
;PRINT *: Prints an on-screen string
;(N) PRINTF: Screen formatted printout
;PRINTLN *: Print a finished line in screen line break
;(N) PUTC *: Prints a character on the screen
;RAMDISK: Create or destroy RAMdisk, or check its size
;RDSEC *: Reads disk sectors
;(N) READ: Reads data from a file
;REDIR: Check or modify the status of the redirection
;(N) RENAME: Rename a file
;(N) REWIND *: Places the pointer of an open file at the beginning of the file
;(N) RMDIR: Deletes a directory
;SDATE: Sets the system date
;SEEK: Modifies the pointer of an open file
;SETDRV: Selects default drive
;SETDTA: Sets the disk transfer area for DOS functions 1
;(N) SETENV: Sets the value of an environment variable
;SETFATT *: Sets the attributes of an unopened file
;SETFDATE *: Sets the date of an unopened file
;SETFTIME *: Sets the time of an unopened file
;SETHATT *: Sets the attributes of an open file
;SETHDATE *: Sets the date of an open file
;SETHTIME *: Sets the time of an open file
;(N) SPRINTF: Memory formatted printing
;STIME: Sets the system time
;SUPRLINE *: Deletes the line in which the cursor is
;TESTFH: Checks whether a file descriptor corresponds to a given file
;TTOI: Encodes a structure of type "time" into an integer
;VERIFY: Enables, disables or verifies the automatic verification of the
;Boot sector in file accesses
;WAITKEY: Wait for the user to press a key (see also PAUSEKEY)
;WPATH: Returns the full path of the last file found with FFIND
;(N) WRITE: Write data to a file
;WRSEC: Write Disk Sectors
;XTOA *: Converts a number to a string in hexadecimal base



NDOS is freeware, so distribute it as you want, but please
distribute only the complete package (listed in section 1) and if you do any modification please explain it in a separate package.

If you want to kick me or congratulate me or blah, blah... contact me at
konamiman@konamiman.com, and visit my home page at http://www.konamiman.com

Y que Kyoko es la es la m s mejor.

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