
Standard Library Functions

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== Functions STANDARD I/O == ;fopen(name, mode) :Open file for I/O;freopen(name, mode, stream) :Re-open existing stream;fdopen(fd, mode) :Associate a stream with a file descriptor;fclose(stream) :Close open file;fflush(stream) :Flush buffered data;getc(stream) :Read byte from stream;fgetc(stream) :Same as getc;ungetc(c, stream) :Push char back onto stream;putc(c, stream) :Write byte to stream;fputc(c, stream) :Same as putc();getchar() :Read byte from standard input;putchar(c) :Write byte to standard output;getw(stream) :Read word from stream;putw(w, stream) :Write word to stream;gets(s) :Read line from standard input;fgets(s, n, stream) :Read string from stream;puts(s) :Write string to standard output;fputs(s, stream) :Write string to stream;fread(buf, size, cnt, stream) :Binary read from stream;fwrite(buf, size, cnt, stream) :Binary write to stream;fseek(stream, offs, wh) :Random access positioning;ftell(stream) :Current file read/write position;rewind(stream) :Reposition file pointer to start;setvbuf(stream, buf, mode, size) :Enable/disable buffering of stream;fprintf(stream, fmt, args) :Formatted output on stream;printf(fmt, args) :Formatted standard output;sprintf(buf, fmt, args) :Formatted output to a string;vfprintf(stream, fmt, va_ptr) :Formatted output on stream;vprintf(fmt, va_ptr) :Formatted standard output;vsprintf(buf, fmt, va_ptr) :Formatted output to a string;fscanf(stream, fmt, args) :Formatted input from stream;scanf(fmt, args) :Formatted standard input;sscanf(buf, fmt, va_ptr) :Formatted input from a string;vfscanf(stream, fmt, va_ptr) :Formatted input from stream;vscanf(fmt, args) :Formatted standard input;vsscanf(buf, fmt, va_ptr) :Formatted input from a string;feof(stream) :True if stream at EOF;ferror(stream) :True if error on stream;clrerr(stream) :Reset error status on stream;fileno(stream) :Return fd from stream;remove(name) :Remove (delete) file == STRING HANDLING == ;atoi(s) :Convert ASCII decimal to integer;atol(s) :Convert ASCII decimal to long integer;atof(s) :Convert ASCII decimal to float;xtoi(s) :Convert ASCII hexadecimal to integer;memchr(s, c, n) :Find char in memory block;memcmp(s1, s2, n) :Compare n bytes of memory;memcpy(s1, s2, n) :Copy n bytes from s2 to s1;memmove(s1, s2, n) :Copy n bytes from s2 to s1;memset(s, c, n) :Set n bytes at s to c;strcat(s1, s2) :Append string 2 to string 1;strncat(s1, s2, n) :Append at most n chars to string 1;strcmp(s1, s2) :Compare strings;strncmp(s1, s2, n) :Compare n bytes of strings;strcpy(s1, s2) :Copy s2 to s1;strncpy(s1, s2, n) :Copy at most n bytes of s2;strerror(errnum) :Map errnum to an error message string;strlen(s) :Length of string;strchr(s, c) :Find char in string;strrchr(s, c) :Find rightmost char in string;strspn(s1, s2) :Length of s1 composed of chars from s2;strcspn(s1, s2) :Length of s2 composed of chars not from s2;strstr(s1, s2) :Locate the first occurence of s2 in s1  == LOW LEVEL I/O == ;open(name, mode) :Open a file;close(fd) :Close a file;creat(name) :Create a file;dup(fd) :Duplicate file descriptor;lseek(fd, offs, wh) :Random access positioning;read(fd, buf, cnt) :Read from file;rename(name1, name2) :Rename file;unlink(name) :Remove file from directory;write(fd, buf, cnt) :Write to file;isatty(fd) :True if fd refers to tty-like device;stat(name, buf) :Get information about a file;chmod(name, mode) :Set file attributes == CHARACTER TESTING == ;isalpha(c) :True if c is a letter;isupper(c) :Upper case letter;islower(c) :Lower case letter;isdigit(c) :Digit;isalnum(c) :Alphnumeric character;isspace(c) :Space, tab, newline, return or formfeed;ispunct(c) :Punctuation character;isprint(c) :Printable character;isgraph(c) :Printable non-space character;iscntrl(c) :Control character;isascii(c) :Ascii character (0-127) == FLOATING POINT == ;cos(f) :Cosine function;sin(f) :Sine function;tan(f) :Tangent function;acos(f) :Arc cosine function;asin(f) :Arc sine function;atan(f) :Arc tangent function;exp(f) :Exponential of f;log(f) :Natural log of f;log10(f) :Base 10 log of f;pow(x,y) :X to the y'th power;sqrt(f) :Square root;fabs(f) :Floating absolute value;ceil(f) :Smallest integral value >= f;floor(f) :Largest integral value <= f;sinh(f) :Hyperbolic sine;cosh(f) :Hyperbolic cosine;tanh(f) :Hyperbolic tangent;frexp(y, p) :Split into mantissa and exponent;ldexp(y, i) :Load new exponent == CONSOLE I/O == ;getch() :Get single character;getche() :Get single character with echo;putch(c) :Put single character;ungetch(c) :Push character back;kbhit() :Test for key pressed;cgets(s) :Get line from console;cputs(s) :Put string to console == DATE AND TIME FUNCTIONS == ;time(p) :Get current date/time;gmtime(p) :Get broken down Universal time;localtime(p) :Get broken down local time;asctime(t) :Convert broken down time to ascii;ctime(p) :Convert time to ascii == MISCELLANEOUS == ;execl(name, args) :Execute another program;execv(name, argp) :Execute another program;spawnl(name, arg, ...) :Execute a subprogram;spawnv(name, argp) :Execute a subprogram;system(s) :Execute system command;atexit(func) :Install func to be executed on termination;exit(status) :Terminate execution;_exit(status) :Terminate execution immediately;getuid() :Get user id (CP/M);setuid(uid) :Set user id (CP/M);chdir(s) :Change directory (MS-DOS);mkdir(s) :Create directory (MS-DOS);rmdir(s) :Remove directory (MS-DOS);getcwd(drive) :Get current working directory (MS-DOS);signal(sig, func) :Set trap for interrupt condition;brk(addr) :Set memory allocation;sbrk(incr) :Adjust memory allocation;malloc(cnt) :Dynamic memory allocation;free(ptr) :Dynamic memory release;realloc(ptr, cnt) :Dynamic memory reallocation;calloc(cnt, size) :Dynamic memory allocation zeroed;perror(s) :Print error message;qsort(base, nel, width, func) :Quick sort;srand(seed) :Initialize random number generator;rand() :Get next random number;setjmp(buf) :Setup for non-local goto;longjmp(buf, val) :Non-local goto;_getargs(buf, name) :Wild card expansion and i/o redirection;inp(port) :Read port;outp(port, data) :Write data to port;bdos(func, val) :Perform bdos call (CP/M);msdos(func, val, val, ...) :Perform msdos call;msdoscx(func, val, val, ...) :Alternate msdos call;intdos(ip, op) :Execute DOS interrupt;intdosx(ip, op, sp) :Execute DOS interrupt;segread(sp) :Get segment register values;int86(int, ip, op) :Execute software interrupt;int86x(int, ip, op, sp) :Execute software interrupt;bios(n, c) :Call bios entry (CP/M);ei() :Enable interrupts;di() :Disable interrupts;set_vector(vec, func) :Set an interrupt vector;assert(e) :Run time assertion;getenv(s) :Get environment string (MS-DOS)